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Jupiter, FL

Dentures provided by in Jupiter, FL at

Dentures are removable artificial dental prostheses that serve as a replacement for missing teeth and inadequate surrounding tissue. Tooth loss may be inevitable to most people and could be caused by accidents, injury, damage, or disease due to poor oral habits.

Nonetheless, when you lose a tooth (or several teeth), you might want to consider dentures to restore your appearance and function in the mouth. There are two types of dentures: complete and partial dentures. They are made out of a hard resin and a supporting structure that resembles the gingival line made out of the same material and through a denture fitting, rests snugly on your natural gingival tissue.

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Types of Dentures

Complete dentures, also commonly referred to as false teeth, replace all missing natural teeth. They are installed after the gums have started to heal after removal, and meanwhile, patients have to use temporary dentures for eight to 12 weeks after the teeth have been extracted.

Immediate complete dentures differ from conventional ones as they are made in advance and installed immediately after teeth removal. The patient will not have to stay without teeth after an extraction. The downside, however, is that immediate dentures will constantly need adjustments to fit your mouth properly due to gum shrinkage during the healing period.

For this reason, immediate dentures should only be considered a temporary resolution until conventional dentures are custom-made. Complete conventional dentures are removable and held in place in your mouth using suction. They might feel a little uncomfortable at first, but you will get used to it with time.

Partial dentures are removable dental replacements used when there are remaining natural teeth in the upper and lower jaw. A partial denture comprises replacement teeth pontics attached to a natural gum-colored base made of plastic, attached to a metal framework that clasps the denture in place in the mouth cavity.

Fixed bridgework is cemented on either side of the missing teeth space, holding artificial crowns on either natural teeth with artificial teeth attached. Partial dentures help fill in spaces left by missing or extracted teeth and help prevent the remaining natural teeth from shifting their position.

A more natural-looking option for partial dentures is the precision partial dentures that are also removable but have inner attachments instead of clasps. Overdentures fit over the remaining natural teeth or on jawbone implants, and the teeth have to be reshaped first to ensure a perfect fit.

Denture Care

Caring for complete and partial dentures involves regular cleaning twice a day, just like you would your natural teeth. Plaque and tartar could build up on the dentures causing stains and could spread infection to the nearby oral structures. Dentures should be removed and rinsed off during cleaning, then gently brushed with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a denture cleaner.

Be sure to gently massage and clean your gums after removing dentures. Dentures are made of a material less durable than your natural teeth and gums are and are prone to break or chip if handled without care. Reach us at (561) 296-3399 for your denture treatment.

Fixed Dentures

Fixed dentures are a restorative solution for replacing a complete row of missing or extracted teeth. They may be placed on the upper jaw or the lower jaw, or even both jaws. Fixed dentures use dental implants for firm support, so that when placed, it appears like your natural teeth, giving a pleasing aesthetic appearance.

Also called permanent dentures, they are not removable once they are placed. Fixed dentures are usually preferred over removable dentures since they will be locked into your mouth and not slip when you chew or speak. Also, they are durable and can last a long time.

The Procedure For Getting Fixed Dentures

Our professionals begin the process by reviewing your dental and medical records with you. This helps to outline the best process for your procedure. We will take measurements of your mouth with x-rays for a customized fit. If there are teeth that need extraction, they will be taken care of. Each part of the process is done under local anesthesia to keep you comfortable. We will start by placing the dental implants required to hold the dentures.

Depending on the patient, this may be between four to six implants strategically placed. The implants act as tooth roots to keep your dentures secure. After the implants are placed, you will be given temporary dentures to use while the implants bond with your jaw and your mouth heals.

As soon as the jaw with implants has healed, you are ready to receive your permanent fixed dentures. During this session, the temporary dentures will be removed, and permanent dentures will be connected to the abutments of each dental implant securely. Once the dentures are securely fixed, you can start enjoying your new set of dentures as you would use your natural teeth.

Benefits Of Getting Fixed Dentures

Getting fixed dentures gives you freedom over your oral health. All you have to do for denture maintenance is to continue great oral hygiene and routine visits for checkups to keep your dentures in good shape. Unlike removable dentures, you do not have to worry about removing them every night for cleaning.

The implant posts also help to prevent bone loss by stimulating your jawbone. With fixed dentures, you can eat whatever you want without worries of them coming loose. In addition, you get an improved smile and facial appearance.

Which Type of Dentures Will Work Best for You?

Please schedule a consultation with us at Roy C. Blake III, DDS, MSD, Maxillofacial Prosthodontist today by calling (561) 296-3399 to see if you are a candidate for dentures. Through a thorough dental examination, we can help you determine which type of dentures may be best for you and your oral health needs.

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"Dr. Blake is always extremely professional, meticulous, accommodating, and at the same time, affable and sincerely interested in his patient’s well-being and concerns. The staff is at all times very courteous and professional. Their constant friendly and pleasant attitudes ensure that at every visit, the patient’s experience is always relaxing and positive." -John

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200 S Central Blvd #A, Jupiter, FL 33458

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Mon - Thurs 9am - 5pm
Fri - Appointment Only

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Dentures Jupiter FL
We offer complete dentures as an option for replacing missing teeth. Visit our website for more information on what dentures are like. Call us today!
Roy C Blake, III, DDS MSD, Maxillofacial Prosthodontist, 200 S Central Blvd, #A, Jupiter, FL 33458 ~ (561) 296-3399 ~ ~ 10/1/2024 ~ Related Terms: Dental Implants Jupiter ~